Monday, January 29, 2018

Prelude to Sorrow
Cover Reveal

They say that every cover tells a story.

In The IX, our heroes were snatched away from Earth at the time of their passing, only to be transported elsewhere to continue their struggle against a vastly superior foe.

Can you see the hints of that in the cover? The quantum gateway that reaches out across spacetime to lock onto specific strands of DNA, only to pluck them from everything they know and love and subsequently hurl them into a conflict they know nothing about.

In Exordium of Tears, the tranquility of a hard-won peace was torn asunder by all out war, with casualties on every side.

If you look closely, you'll see aspects of what the story is all about on the cover. 
It's darker, harsher, with a brutality that's hard to ignore. A laser beam punches out of nowhere, bringing death and destruction with it; placing our heroes in a kiln of fire from which they must emerge if they are to endure.

How do the survivors of the Ninth intake fare?

I'll give you a hint - consider the cover template below:

Now look at the background.
Do you see how the fabric of their world is crumbling, as if the very foundations of their world has been torn out from beneath their feet?
The IX symbol is on fire, burning with the intensity of a crucible....
Yet it endures somehow, purified from within.

Any ideas as to what that might represent?

Well, you'll find out soon...

Prelude to Sorrow
Coming February 2018